Winslow CYC Trip | 4th of July

Red Fireworks

          We joined the Corinthian Yacht Club for the 4th of July Raft-up in Winslow. There is a PNW tradition of rafting up in Liberty Bay for the Poulsbo fireworks on the 3rd, followed by Blakely Harbor or Elliot Bay, to see the Seattle fireworks on the 4th. This was the first time we'd been to Winslow for the fireworks. It was wonderful, a good show and we could even see Seattle in the background. We sailed over, and arrived just before dinner time. It was good to see friends, full dinghies, and kids with radio controlled sailboats. Asked to anchor the other direction, we ended up with our cockpit facing the fireworks. I even got to change out a lightbulb and get shots from above of the other boats and crews. We had a great time, had to leave too early and work, but went out later for crabs - what a good holiday.

Here's a few pics - Click on the image above for the "Index" page, and on any of the pics there, for a "slideshow" with larger images. Look for the "next" navigation button, it's not an automatic slideshow.   Enjoy. . .